Monday 29 April 2019

Sanasar Hill Station: The Crown of Earth

  Sanasar Hill Station should be called the crown of earth. Yes, the natural beauty of Sanasar Hill Station is wonderful and unique. 

   It appears that like the nature of nature is lap. This spectacular and beautiful hill station of Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir, India is a favorite of global tourists. 
  Sansar Hill Station, situated at an altitude of about 2050 meters from the ocean floor, has a superficial nature of all-round nature. 
  In fact, this beautiful hill station is a mixed form of two small villages of Udhampur. Particularly, there are two beautiful villages in the lap of Sana and Sir nature. 
  This hill station is known only by the name of these two villages. The main attractions of Sanasar Hill Station are two beautiful lakes. 
   Located about 20 kilometers west of Patnitop, the Sanasar Hill station is especially known for adventure sports. Covering the Brahma Massif mountain range, this hill station has a special reputation for beautiful and scenic scenes. 
   Experts believe that Sanasar Hill station is also known as Mini Gulmarg. Particularly that the intense forest series of cedar appears to be wonderful and scenic. Various species of flowers are the pride of Sanasar. 
  Particularly that the world-renowned bouquet of flowers is the distinctive and beautiful gardening of the Sanasar. 
  The dense chain of milky vegetation makes the surroundings even more attractive. Sunsur Hill Station is always proud of the floral and aromatic flora. The blooming of the clouds thrills tourists. The tourists become enchanted by seeing the wanderings of the clouds. 
  Specially since the clouds are in the lap of tourists and sometimes the tourist is in the clouds. Particularly that every moment of Sanasar Hill Station is exciting. In fact, Sanasar Hill Station is a huge golf course. 
   Tourists can live up to every mood of fun. Paragliding, parasailing and horse riding enjoy plenty of pleasure to take tourists to Sanasar. Sanasar Hill Station is not less than a paradise for photographers who are fond of capturing natural beauty in the camera. Nature lovers are awake by seeing the natural beauty of Sanasar. 
   Particularly that the weather of Sanasar Hill Station is always cold. Especially the cold weather of Sanasar is going to see. Due to the beautiful snow cover of snow all over the winter is visible. Here rain can show its prediction anytime. 
  So, the Sunasar hill station shows its own unique style of weather. Vihangam maidan and lawn of Velvet grass make tourists a velvety feel. Particularly, Sanasar Hill Station welcomes the enthusiasm of tourists from its natural beauty.
   Particularly, at the Sanasar Hill Station, tourists can enjoy delicious delights with fun fun as well. There is a great range of attractions in and around Sanasar Hill Station. The main attraction is the Panchari valley. Shankar Pal temple is a religious place. 
   This temple is dedicated to the Almighty Shiva. Being located at an altitude of around 2800 meters above sea level, tourists can also enjoy trekking. Experts believe this temple is nearly 400 years old.
   All necessary resources are available for the visit of Sanasar Hill Station. The nearest airport is Jammu. The distance of the Sanasar Hill station from Jammu Airport is about 119 kilometers. The nearest railway station is Jammu Tawi Junction. Tourists can also visit Sanasar Hill Station by road.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Patnitop Hill Station: The Adornment of the Earth

   The Patnitop Hill Station should be called the Adornment of the Earth. Yes, there is no combination of natural beauty of Patnitop Hill Station. 

   This magnificent hill station of the Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir is very popular in the province of India. 
 The Patnitop Hill station, located at a height of about 2024 meters above sea level, is known to be especially known for snowfall. Due to the features of natural beauty and snowfall, 
  Patnitop Hill Station is the center of special attraction for global tourists. It may be called a snowfall paradise, perhaps there will be no exaggeration. 
  Particularly forested area covered with the mangrove vegetation is the splendor of the Patnitop Hill station. Various species of flowers are also the special nuptios of natural beauty here. Cedar trees, intensive forest areas of millet vegetation, curved mountain ranges, huge plains of velvet grass and slopes etc. make them feel proud.
  The atmosphere always flows through the aroma of flora and flowers. As a result, the body and mind of the tourists get excited. 
  Particularly that Patnitop Hill Station is considered as the ideal hill station of Jammu and Kashmir. Cool and quiet winds fill tourists with a special enthusiasm. 
  Patnitop Hill Station is no less than a paradise for winter sports. In fact, this Bhimangam hill station is called Patan da Talab. Experts believe that it is known as Princess Pond. In ancient times and princely rulers, princess baths in this pool. In time it became known as Patnioput Hill Station. 
   There is a magnificent and long chain of attractive and beautiful places around Patnitop Hill Station. This magnificent hill station covered by lakes and waterfalls is best for winter sports. Tourists can enjoy plenty of skiing and trekking. 
   Tourists can complete golf, paragliding, arrow sports, horse riding and photography as well at the Patnitop Hill station. In Patnitop Hill station and nearby attractions, especially Nag Nagar, Buddha Amarnath Temple, Bahu Kila, Kud and Shiva fort are visible. 
   The oldest time to visit Patnitop Hill Station is April to June and September to October. December to February is considered to be the best for winter sports. specially, tourists can enjoy every season at Patnitop Hill Station.
  Particularly that Patnitop Hill Station is full of valleys. So tourists can also fulfill their hobby about traveling. The tourists lose the buzz around the natural beauty of Patnitop Hill Station. The natural beauty here attracts tourists.
  Particularly that tourists are busy playing in Patnitop Hill station. In the winter, the thrilling experience of snowfall is a never-ending experience for tourists. Playing with ice is very exciting. 
  To make the exciting feel of playing with ice, tourists must travel to Patnitop Hill Station in winter. Natha Top is the special attraction of this area. Tourists can also enjoy sailing in the lakes.
   Particularly that Patnitop Hill Station is located at exactly higher elevation than Kashmir. Therefore, tourists can take great pleasure from Patnitop Hill Station Idial ​​Hill Station. 
  Patnitop Hill Station is considered to be the best point of honeymoon for newly married couples. Along with the soft winds, the tourists can also enjoy the night sky with the clouds.
   All necessary resources are available on the trip to Patnitop Hill Station. The nearest airport is Saturn Airport Jammu. Patnitop Hill Station distance from Jammu Airport is about 80 kilometers away. The nearest railway station is Udhampur junction. Tourists can also visit Patnitop Hill Station by road.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Pahalgam Hill Station: Earth's Paradise

   Pahalgam Hill station should be called the heaven of earth. Yes, the natural beauty of Pahalgam Hill Station is not less than heaven. 

  This beautiful hill station of Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, India's province holds global fame. Although Anantnag is a small town, its natural beauty is amazing. So Anantanag, including Pahalgam Hill Station, is the favorite hill station of global tourists. 
  Particularly, at Pahalgam hill station tourists are all-rounded in a velvety feeling. Pahalgam Hill Station, situated at an altitude of about 2923 meters above sea level, is an important part of Amarnath Yatra. 
  Pahalgam Hill Station, situated at the height of the Linder River, is indeed a magnificent and ideal place for India. In fact, Pahalgam is a village of shepherds. 
   Particularly that Pahalgam's diet and lifestyle are fantastic and wonderful. Tourists can enjoy every aspect of the nature here. Seeing the natural beauty of Pahalgam Hill Station, it appears that the nature has formed the structure of Pahalgam in Fursat. 
  The army of snow and clouds, like the companions of Pahalgam Hill Station, Ever glare of the clouds, and sometimes the snow fall of snow is very real. 
  Tourists realize themselves to be extremely energetic Tracking in the snow-covered mountain range here is a unique joy. It is fair here for tourists who want to enjoy trekking in the summer. Horse Riding is another exciting game of Pahalgam Hill Station. 
  There is also a fantastic golf club to play golf. Pahalgam has its own distinct culture and traditions. Visitors realize a pleasant tranquility at Pahalgam Hill Station. The snowfall between November and February is a different joy here. 
  Pahalgam Hill Station, which is famous as a valley of shepherds, is also very fond of film stars. It is quite special that many films have been shot in this area. This is a great place for adventure lovers. Particularly in winter there is a lot of snow in the winter. Tourists can enjoy skiing here. 
  Particularly it is also called the paradise of Kashmir. The liver river flows in Pahalgam attracts its natural beauty here. Tourists can enjoy a lot of ruffing in the Linder River. 
   Particularly in winter, the temperature here goes down to zero. Horse Riding, as well as tracking enthusiasts can fulfill your hobbies here. Chandanwadi, Sheshnag, Pancharatani, Sonmarg etc. are especially known for tracking. 
   Particularly that Lake Sheshnag is situated just off Pahalgam Hill Station. This magnificent and beautiful lake is surrounded by all round mountain ranges. It is believed that Sheshnag still lives in this lake. 
   Experts believe that the shape of Sheshnag emerges on this unique lake on the day of Nagpanchami. Bahindind, seeing this figure, considers himself blessed. 
  There are adequate resources available for tourists' convenience and convenience. Tourists can enjoy a lot of weather here.
   All necessary resources are available for the visit of Pahalgam Hill Station. The nearest airport is the Sri Nagar Airport. The distance of Pahalgam Hill Station from Sri Nagar Airport is about 95 kilometers.
  The nearest railway station is Jammu Junction. The distance from Pahalgam Hill station to Jammu Railway Station is about 255 km. Tourists can also travel to Pahalgam Hill Station by road.

Friday 19 April 2019

Toranmal Hill Station: Fantastic Natural Beauty

   The natural beauty of the Toranmal Hill station should be called unique and Amazing. Yes, Tornalam Hill Station is built on the beauty of the beauty. 

  This hill station of India's state of Maharashtra maintains a global reputation. The Tornalam Hill Station of Nandurbar district actually realizes the lap of nature. Particularly this hill station is small, but every color of beauty will be blooming. 
   Toranmal Hill station, situated at an altitude of 1150 meters above sea level, is part of the Satpura mountain range. The coolness of the climate conquers the heart of tourists. 
  The quiet and soft climate here provides special energy to tourists. Various species of flowers are flowered and flourished at Toranmal Hill Station. 
   Therefore, the surroundings of the Toranmal Hill Station are always pleasant with the aroma of flowers. Particularly that Toranmal Hill Station is the storage area of ​​the indigenous flora. The aroma of the herbical flora keeps the environment very fresh. 
   So tourists at the Toranmal Hill station get excited with the pleasant aroma. The Toranmal Hill Station is in fact a magnificent plateau region. Spread over 44 square kilometers, this magnificent hill station has a lot of specialties.
   Experts believe that Toranmal Hill station has been named after the tree of the tree. Particularly that the abundance of palm trees in Toranmal town has made this area very special. At the local level, the tribals worship the goddess to worship Goddess. 
  Torna Devi is considered to be the Goddess of the tree. It is believed that the goddess of the tree is also present in the form of fertility.
   Particularly that there is the glory of the Tornamal Hill Station, Yashwant Lake, Gorakhnath Temple and Nagarjuna Temple, Sita Khai, Kharaki Point and Sunset Point etc. 
   Specially Gorakhnath temple is a pilgrimage to the Hindus. A huge celebration is organized here on the Mahasiva nights. Looks like a huge lion of devotion. The panoramic view of the horizon is observed at the hill station.
  Particularly that the weather of Toranmal Hill station is always evergreen. Tormental Hill Station is an ideal area for fun and excursion. Experts believe that Toranmal Hill Station is the second most cool-hill hill station in Maharashtra. 
   For the trackers, the Toranmal Hill station is no less than heaven. Intensive forest area covered with all-round vegetation is very fresh. 
  Tourists realize special energy here. It appears that as the lungs have feathers. In fact, Toranmal Hill Station is an ancient hill station. 
  So there are unacceptable aspects of natural beauty. A series of all-round calm lakes and waterfalls shines hearts. Touring in forest areas covered with flora creates a special adventure.
  Shahada: Shahada Toranmal Hill is a special attraction of the hill station. Shahada is actually a small town. Particularly that Shahada is a splendid religious place. It is believed that this place is Dev.
   Experts believe that Shahada has got South Kashi status. Shahadah is about 14 kilometers away from Toranmal Hill Station. Shahada, also known as South Kashi, is also an archaeological site. The Pandavallani cave and the five Pandava complex are located in this Shahada.
   All necessary resources are available on the trip to Tormanal Hill station. The nearest airport is the Aurangabad Airport. The nearest railway station is Nandurbar Junction. 
  The distance from Nandurbar junction to toornmal hill station is about 84 kms. Tourists can also visit Toranmal Hill Station by road.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Agumbe Hill Station: Velvet Realization

   There is no combination of natural beauty of Agumbe Hill Station. Yes, the natural beauty of Agumbe Hill Station is wonderful and unique. 

  Perhaps this is why Agumbe Hill Station is the center of global tourist attraction. This hill station of the district shimoga of Karnataka province of India is covered with all-round natural beauty. 
  Visitors realize a special freshness here Located at an altitude of 2725 feet above sea level, Agumbe Hill Station makes tourists realize a special velvety. 
  Specially here rain has its own distinct joy. Perhaps this is why Agumbe Hill Station is called Cherrapunji of South India. There is heavy rain in the period from July to September. Agumbe Hill Station is like a paradise for filming. 
   The fictional village of the movie Malgudi Days was established at this Agumbe Hill station. Agumbe Hill Station is the best place for excursions. 
  Specially sunset and sunrise are very special. The elegant shade of elegance and beauty of sunset and sunrise is extremely breathtaking. This is a special point for viewability. 
  Particularly that Agumbe Hill Station is the pride of Western Ghats. Here the beautiful beauty of mountain peaks is especially visible. The color of the sun dissolves a wonderful veneer of beauty. All-round Velvet grasslands make an exciting feel. 
   There is a long series of sights and attractions surrounding Agumbe Hill Station. Jogigundy Falls, Agumbe Renforest Research Station, Kudumbu Therta Falls and Onke Abby Falls etc. are the pride of Agumbe Hill Station. Particularly on the Agumbe Hill station, the all-round cloud is visible. It is very exciting
  Jogigundy Falls: Jogigundy Falls is one of the splendid falls of South India. This falls is also called Jogi. It is believed that a saint had meditated on Jogigundy Falls. This place has unique characteristic. Its water comes out of a cave.
   Perhaps this is why it is also called a cave waterfall. The tourists can enjoy the abundance of water sports. The surrounding area is also very visible.
  Agumbe Rainforest Research Station: Agumbe Rainforest Research Station is a wonderful area. This is a great place for tourism.
  Particularly this area is special in the area of ​​rain. Agumbe Rainforest Research Station is one of the best known research institutes in India.
  Located at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level, this area is covered with wildlife sanctuary. Experts believe that more than one hundred cobras are preserved at this research station.
  Kudumbu Thertha Falls: Kudumbu Therta Falls falls below 300 feet in height. This place is considered sacred. It is believed that in ancient times, the place of worship of Rishis and Munis has been in place.
  On the Abby Falls: Onke Abby Falls is a perfect picnic spot. The scene here is very captivating.
  Agumbe Sunset Point: Agumbe Sunset Point is a very scenic spot. Sunset Point is located about 4 kilometers from Agumbe Hill Station. From here the sunshine and the sunrise show a rainbow shade.
   All necessary resources are available for Agumbe Hill station visit. The nearest airport is Shimoga Airport. The nearest railway station is Shimoga Junction. Tourists can also travel to Agumbe Hill Station by road.

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